Pascal Schwaighofer

Visual Artist
Postdoctoral Fellow at Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, McGill University, Canada
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Cornell University
Mellon Graduate Fellow, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University (2022-23)

Lascaux Man (Sic), 2012
Light-sensitive emulsion on Wall
530 x 320 cm

Exhibition view: “La Jeunesse est un art. Jubiläum Manor  Kunstpreis 2012”, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, 2012

“Pascal Schwaighofer’s work for the Aargauer Kunsthaus is an analytical exploration of the cave at Lascaux. Transposing onto the walls of the museum  fragments of Georges Bataille’s comments  on the cave frescoes, the artist opens up a mental space conducive to stirring thoughts and memories.
Using a technical process involving various  transformations – digitization, printing, projection and transfer by photosensitive emulsion – the  excerpts from the original essay, itself already  translated into English and modified by some anonymous annotations, are loaded with multiple  timelines and become traces evoking emergence and disappearance at once. (…)”

Séverine Fromaigeat, in La jeunesse est un art.
Jubiläum Manor Kunstpreis, Aargauer Kunsthaus,
Aarau, Edizioni Periferia, 2012