Pascal Schwaighofer

Visual Artist
Postdoctoral Fellow at Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, McGill University, Canada
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Cornell University
Mellon Graduate Fellow, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University (2022-23)

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Ebru on paper, silkscreen, frame
56 x 65 x 7 cm each

Collection: Graphisce Sammlung der ETH, Zürich, Switzerland

Economimesis is a multi-part project, taking as a starting point Jacques Derrida’s essay of the same name, examining the link between aesthetic concepts and economic regulatory cycles.

“Apparemment, mimesis et oikonomia n’ont rien à faire ensemble.Il s’agit de montrer le contraire, d’exhiber le lien de système entre les deux.”

Jaques Derrida, Economimesis, 1975